Year: 2013
Length: 14 min.
Director: Ozan Mermer
Director of Photography: Holger Jungnickel
With: Castro Dokyi, Elisabeth Thielemann, Otana Mirza, Andreas Mayer
Screenplay: Ozan Mermer
Editing: Ozan Mermer
Production Design: Denise Kalipciyan
Costume Design: Silke Schmelzer
Makeup: Sylvia Wollmann
Gaffer: Theresa Maué
Sound: Lukas Baier
Sounddesign: Andreas Goldbrunner
Production Management: Alexander Fritzemeyer
Produced by: DREIFILM / HFF Munich
Durban International Film Festival 2014 - Winner Best Short
Filmtage Koblenz 2014 - Preis der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Kurzfilmkanon Lörrach - 1. Platz
FiSH Rostock - Bronzemedaille
Brno International Noncommercial Film and Video Festival 2015
Dhaka International Film Festival 2014
Grenoble Short Film Festival 2015
Landshut Short Film Festival 2014
Leiden International Short Film Experience 2015
Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival 2014
Porto7 - Oporto International Short Film Festival 2014
Regensburg Short Film Week 2015